The Impact of the Green Human Resource Management in Achieving Work Involvement for Employees at the Electricity Distribution Company in Gaza Governorate


  • Mohammed Abed Eshteiwy جامعة القدس المفتوحة / رفح


Green human resources management, career, work involvement


The aim of the study was to demonstrate the impact of the management of green human resources on the career involvement of the employees of the Gaza Governorate Electricity Distribution Company. The actual study population comprised 373 employees of the company in the Gaza Strip. A simple random sample of 130 workers was selected from the study population. Data was collected following following the analytical descriptive approach to reaching the targets. The results showed that green human resource management has a small impact 65.7% on the work involvement of employees of the Gaza Governorate Electricity Distribution Company. With the exception of the two dimensions: green recruitment and green performance assessment which have no impact on the level of work involvement. The results have shown that there are no statistically significant differences in the responses of the sample members due to the variables, age, years of service, and scientific qualification. However, differences in the gender variant were in favor of males. The study recommended working on a recruitment manual that would set environmental standards for streamlining available resources and reducing useless waste. It also recommended that training programs be provided to green performers to reduce environmental errors and reward low-waste workers and environmental conservationists.

Author Biography

Mohammed Abed Eshteiwy , جامعة القدس المفتوحة / رفح

Associate Professor /Al-Quds Open University/Palestine



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How to Cite

Eshteiwy , M. A. (2022). The Impact of the Green Human Resource Management in Achieving Work Involvement for Employees at the Electricity Distribution Company in Gaza Governorate. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 7(18). Retrieved from