The Impact of Empowerment Strategy on Enhancing Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A field Study on ArcelorMittal Company in Algeria


  • أ.د. كيسرى مسعود
  • أ. دايرة عبد الحفيظ


Employees Empowerment strategy, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Arcelormittal Company, Algeria.


This study aims to identify the level of adoption of employees empowerment strategy and its dimensions (teamwork, freedom, autonomy, motivation) at Arcelormittal Company in Algeria. Moreover this study analyzes the impact of the empowerment strategy on enhancing organizational citizenship behavior. Thus, for this purpose the researchers prepared two questionnaires, the first tackles the independent variable and was handed to the supervisor, and the second addresses the dependent variable and was distributed to the managers and executives workers. The Study uses SPSS software to analyze the data. The results shows a positive relation between the study’s variables. Based on the results, the study provides a list of recommendations, one of which is to consider the empowerment as an administrative strategy and linking it with the general strategy of the company.



How to Cite

مسعود أ. ك., & عبد الحفيظ أ. د. (2018). The Impact of Empowerment Strategy on Enhancing Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A field Study on ArcelorMittal Company in Algeria. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 2(8). Retrieved from