The Use of Decision Trees to Evaluate Construction Projects in Government Organizations: Applied study on the Directorate of Technical Services in Aleppo


  • أ. د. إبراهيم عبد الواحد نائب | Prof. Ibrahim Abdalwahed Nayeb Aleppo University
  • أ. ميس عبد الله عرب | Msr. MAIS ABDULLAH ARAB Aleppo University


Decision Trees, CART Algorithm, Evaluation of Decision Support Model.


The aim of this study is to solve the problem of selecting the implementing agency for the construction projects such as (road projects, school building projects) , through mining in construction projects data of the Technical Services Directorate in Aleppo. Data mining is achieved by using decision trees to evaluate the projects and to support the decisions of the Technical Services Directorate in Aleppo, in order to choose the implementing agency for the future projects. The classification to be achieved is based on the tree construction model CART Algorithm using the Weka Tool and the training and testing process of Cross- Validation- 10 Method. This study was applied to the project data (training and testing) as a first phase and choosing the implementing projects as a second phase (target function) . A model was built, evaluated and its results were positive. It is a good negotiable practical application and can be generalized.


Author Biographies

أ. د. إبراهيم عبد الواحد نائب | Prof. Ibrahim Abdalwahed Nayeb, Aleppo University

استاذ دكتور قسم الاحصاء ونظم المعلومات الادارية

أ. ميس عبد الله عرب | Msr. MAIS ABDULLAH ARAB, Aleppo University

طالبة دكتوراه



How to Cite

Prof. Ibrahim Abdalwahed Nayeb أ. د. إ. ع. ا. ن. |, & Msr. MAIS ABDULLAH ARAB أ. م. ع. ا. ع. |. (2019). The Use of Decision Trees to Evaluate Construction Projects in Government Organizations: Applied study on the Directorate of Technical Services in Aleppo. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 4(11). Retrieved from