The Impact of the Health Economic Development on the Economic Growth For Selected Countries From Middle East and North Africa over the period 2000 - 2015.


  • أ. زياد محمد صافي | Mr. Ziad Mohammad Safi University of Jordan
  • د. خولة عبد الله سبيتان | Dr. Khawlah Abdullah Sabetan University of Jordan


Health Economic and Economic Growth, (ARDL), Middle East and North Africa.


This study inspects the impact of the health economic development on the economic growth for selected countries in Middle East and North Africa over the period 2000- 2015 within a multivariate framework. The cross- sectional time series cointegration test implies a long- run equilibrium relationship among per capita RGDP, expenditure on health care, economic openness, global financial crisis and age dependency. The outcomes of the auto regressive distributed lag model (ARDL) reveals that all coefficients are statistically significant and match the economic theory which implies a positive impact on all variables with the exception of infant mortality rate on the economic growth, due to the importance of health in stimulating economic growth. This study advise the economic policy makers in the countries under study to spend more on the health care sector, and to take care of human capital health, which has a significant role in increasing productivity and thus economic growth.


Author Biographies

أ. زياد محمد صافي | Mr. Ziad Mohammad Safi, University of Jordan

محلل مالي/ دائرة الموازنة العامة/ الأردن

طالب دكتوراة/ قسم اقتصاد الأعمال / الجامعة الأردنية


د. خولة عبد الله سبيتان | Dr. Khawlah Abdullah Sabetan, University of Jordan

استاذ مشارك/ قسم اقتصاد الأعمال / الجامعة الأردنية



How to Cite

Mr. Ziad Mohammad Safi أ. ز. م. ص. |, & Dr. Khawlah Abdullah Sabetan د. خ. ع. ا. س. |. (2019). The Impact of the Health Economic Development on the Economic Growth For Selected Countries From Middle East and North Africa over the period 2000 - 2015. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 4(11). Retrieved from