The Relation between the Dynamics of Strategic Decision Making Process and the Overall Performance of the Palestinian Community-Based Organizations: Community-Based Organizations in Ramallah and El-Bireh as a Model


  • أ. د. ذياب جرار
  • أ. خالد أبو بهاء


Dynamics of Strategic Decision Making Process, Palestinian Community-Based Organizations, Ramallah and El-Bireh, Model, Performance


The main purpose of this research paper is to measure the relationship between the dynamics of strategic decision making, its modes, the degree of Board of director’s involvement in strategic decision making on one hand and the overall performance of the Palestinian NGO’s on the other. To achieve this purpose, the descriptive analytical methodology was employed and a randomly stratified sample of 73 % of Ramallah based NGO’S was surveyed. The paper came up with a main conclusion that the relationship between  the dynamics of strategic decision making, its modes, the degree of Board of  director’s involvement in strategic decision making on one hand and the overall performance of the Palestinian NGOs on the other, was positive. Finally, the paper provided a set of recommendations that might improve the mechanism of strategic decisions in the Palestinian NGOs , and  reinforcing the degree of Board of  director’s involvement in strategic decision making process.

Key words: strategic decision making, institutional performance, NGOs, Palestinian, Ramallah & Albireh.



How to Cite

جرار أ. د. ذ., & أبو بهاء أ. خ. (2017). The Relation between the Dynamics of Strategic Decision Making Process and the Overall Performance of the Palestinian Community-Based Organizations: Community-Based Organizations in Ramallah and El-Bireh as a Model. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 1(1). Retrieved from