Analysis and Evaluation of the Investment Climate in Algeria


  • أ. د. ريحان الشريف
  • أ. هوام لمياء


the investment climate, business environment, foreign direct investment, international investment climate indicators.


Investment climate is the result of the interplay of economic factors, social, political and affecting investor confidence and works to encourage and stimulate the investment of money in a country without the other, however any state's share of these investments depends on many factors, the most important of the investment climate and attracting a catalyst for investment in this country.

In this article we try to stand on the suitability of the investment climate in Algeria, by recognizing the reality of foreign direct investment, and to clarify the ability of the investment climate on the interpretation of Algeria's share of investment inflows, as well as the diagnosis of the most important features of the investment climate through some international indicators. As we tried to stand on the most important obstacles that spoil the investment climate, and in the light of that we were able to come up with some suggestions that can contribute to improving the investment climate in Algeria.



How to Cite

الشريف أ. د. ر., & لمياء أ. ه. (2017). Analysis and Evaluation of the Investment Climate in Algeria. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 1(1). Retrieved from