Using Social Networks and Its Relationship to Job Alienation Among Administrative Staff at al- Aqsa University
Social Networks, Job Alienation, Alienation from Human Nature, Alienation from Fellow Human Beings.Abstract
The study aims at identifying the impact of using social networks and its relationship to the dimensions of job alienation (alienation from human nature - alienation from fellow human beings). The study population consisted of all administrative staff with administrative positions at al - Aqsa University comprising a number of 90 employees. The researcher used a stratified sampling and the complete consensus method. The questionnaire was also used as a main tool for collecting data, and the descriptive analytical approach as a research methodology.
The most important findings of the study revealed that there is no relationship between using social networks and the dimensions of job alienation (alienation from human nature - alienation from fellow human beings) among the administrative employees with administrative positions at al - Aqsa University. The study also found that social networks is used in a high level by administrative employees with administrative positions at al - Aqsa University.
The study recommended that the human resources department at al - Aqsa University should pay attention to conducting workshops and training courses to employees to benefit from social media networks and use them effectively to serve the interest of work. The University should also constantly update employee files to include the names of their personal accounts on social networks sites.
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