The Role of Agile Leadership in Motivating Employees in Health Institutions A Case Study - Union of Health Work Committees in Gaza Strip


  • جلال إسماعيل شبات | Jalal Ismail Awad Shabat Al - Quds Open University


Agile Leadership, Motivation, Union of Health Work Committees.


The study aims at identifying the role of agile leadership in motivating health workers. The study included a case study on the Union of Health Work Committees in Gaza Strip. The researcher adopted the descriptive and analytical approach. The study population included all medical staff in the Union of Health Work Committees (52 doctors and 16 laboratory technicians). A comprehensive survey was used, where 140 questionnaires were distributed to the study population and 136 questionnaires were retrieved with a retrieval rate of 97.1%. A pilot sample of 30 items was chosen for the questionnaire’s validity and reliability. The pilot sample was excluded from the analysis.

The analysis of 106 questionnaires as an actual sample of the study was carried out. The study came up with the several results, the most important of which are; the dimensions of agile leadership (modesty, wisdom, patience, objectivity, calmness and confidence) are highly present in the leadership of the Union of Health Work Committees at 82.5% , with an arithmetic average of 8.25; and all responses are mostly similar in terms of leadership practices at the Union of Health Work Committees related to the dimensions of agile leadership, with an arithmetic average of 8.70 - 8.01. It was also shown that leadership in the Union of Health Work Committees highly promotes motivation at 80.9% with an arithmetic average of 8.09. The study concluded several recommendations, the most important of which are; leadership in the Union of Health Work Committees has to maintain its dimensions of agile leadership and strengthen them to motivate employees; promotion of an organizational culture based on open communication and social relations; as well as focusing on providing moral support and motivation for the employees within their work and braising them in front of their colleagues, to enhance the morale of the successful employee and motivate his/ her colleagues.




DOI: 10.33977/1760-005-013-012

Author Biography

جلال إسماعيل شبات | Jalal Ismail Awad Shabat, Al - Quds Open University

أستاذ مشارك



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How to Cite

شبات | Jalal Ismail Awad Shabat ج. إ. (2020). The Role of Agile Leadership in Motivating Employees in Health Institutions A Case Study - Union of Health Work Committees in Gaza Strip. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 5(13). Retrieved from