Obstacles of the Application of E- Commerce and Its Impact on Marketing Insurance Services: An Analytical Study at the National Insurance Company/ Kirkuk


  • محمد حسين غربي | Mohammad Husain Gharbi Northern Technical University
  • عبد الرزاق خضر حسن | Abdul Razaq Kh. Hassan Northern Technical University
  • بصير خلف خزعل | Baser Khalaf Khazal Northern Technical University




E - Commerce, Insurance Services Marketing.


The research seeks to provide an integrated theoretical and practical framework on the obstacles of e-commerce and their effect on marketing insurance services that affect the performance of the researched company in marketing insurance services. The National Insurance Company, Kirkuk, was selected by this research as it needs in - depth studies to develop its performance and keep up with the latest developments in online marketing of services. In case the obstacles to e - commerce were addressed, it will enhance the company’s performance and make it able to employ the available innovative capabilities. This would promote alternatives for achieving high performance and creative methods for providing services. The research problem took the form of a set of questions that were aimed at identifying obstacles to electronic commerce in order to achieve the best level of performance. They sought to explore the impact on marketing insurance services and the relation between variables of the research. To achieve this, a set of hypotheses were drafted and a sample was selected from the employees working at the National Insurance Company/ Kirkuk. The sample consisted of 30 employees, representing different specializations. The questionnaire was approved as a main tool to obtain the appropriate information, and it was statistically analyzed using SPSS.V.19. The research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which was, the presence of a positive relationship between all obstacles of electronic commerce and the marketing of insurance services at the researched company. In light of these conclusions, the researchers presented a set of proposals to raise the level of performance of that company, most importantly, the need for creating appropriate conditions to reduce obstacles facing the application of electronic commerce in the company.

Author Biographies

محمد حسين غربي | Mohammad Husain Gharbi, Northern Technical University

مدرس مساعد

عبد الرزاق خضر حسن | Abdul Razaq Kh. Hassan, Northern Technical University

استاذ مساعد

بصير خلف خزعل | Baser Khalaf Khazal, Northern Technical University

استاذ مساعد



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How to Cite

Mohammad Husain Gharbi م. ح. غ. |, Abdul Razaq Kh. Hassan ع. ا. خ. ح. |, & Baser Khalaf Khazal ب. خ. خ. |. (2021). Obstacles of the Application of E- Commerce and Its Impact on Marketing Insurance Services: An Analytical Study at the National Insurance Company/ Kirkuk. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 5(14). https://doi.org/10.33977/1760-005-014-002