Leading Strategies and Intellect Present at the Islamic University Administration and their Relation to the Improvement of the Quality of Working Life of the Employees at the University


  • د. خليل اسماعيل إبراهيم ماضي


Leading Strategies and Intellect present, the Islamic University, Administration, Career


The aim of this study is to recognize the strategic practices and skills

of university leaders and their role in improving the quality of working life

in the Islamic University. The researcher used the analytical, descriptive

approach for this purpose. A questionnaire was used with a sample of

(87) persons. (59) were returned, that is, 67.8%. The researcher used the

Comprehensive Limitation Approach for data collection and the (SPSS) . The

results of the study showed that there are relations among strategic direction,

development of the human capital, management of organizational conflict,

supporting organizational culture and supporting ethical practices. There

are relations between university leaders› skills and the improvement of the

quality of the working life in Islamic University. The study reveals that there

are no differences at statistical level of significance (0.05 ≥a) between the

respondents responses averages about the role of strategic practices and the

skills of university leaders in improving the quality of working life due to

personal data (Job title, educational qualification, age and years of service)

. The researcher recommends the following: 1- the use of clear methods

both externally and internally in connection with the opportunities, threats,

strengths and weaknesses that affect the university and its strategy, 2- to

focus on the development and the continuation of the development of human

capital, 3- the necessity of supporting cultural and ethical practices through

real training programs, 4- the necessity of transparency in decision- making,

and finally 5- using financial rewards system to encourage the efficiency of




How to Cite

ماضي د. خ. ا. إ. (2017). Leading Strategies and Intellect Present at the Islamic University Administration and their Relation to the Improvement of the Quality of Working Life of the Employees at the University. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 2(5). Retrieved from https://journals.qou.edu/index.php/eqtsadia/article/view/297