Renewable Energies as an Alternative to Petroleum Dependency A Case Study of the Emirati and Norwegian Experience




Petroleum dependency – Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - Renewable energy production and consumption - Conventional energy production and consumption.


The aim of this paper is borne in the research in two main points, firstly, the extent to which the Norwegian and Emirati economies depend on oil as each of the two countries has significant oil reserves. The second point is about showing the extent to which Norway and the Emirates seek to achieve energy diversification in favor of clean, environmentally friendly renewable energies. The results of the research show that Norway aims to make renewable energies a contributor to the economy and not an alternative, as oil extraction is still of interest by Norway, which seeks to build a cleaner relationship between nature and the economy. About 97٪ of the energy in Norway comes from hydropower since Norway occupies a special global position in the field of renewable energy.
As for the UAE, it is striving to abandon oil completely by 2050 and make renewable energy the total and final alternative. Despite the UAE’s reliance on oil revenues and its possession of large oil reserves worldwide, it seeks, and notably in recent years, to create a sustainable environment by increasing the reliance on clean energy and the application of green development programs. It has set a long-term goal of moving from a carbon-based economy to a sustainable green economy.
The results of the research became clear in the current strategies of the two countries and their forward-looking vision, as well as in the levels of production and consumption and the two countries› investments in traditional and renewable energies. The study recommended the necessity of developing renewable energies as they mix economic, social, and environmental interests.

Author Biography

د. رفيقة مصطفى صباغ Dr. Rafika Mustapha Sebbagh, جامعة الجيلالي اليابس سيدي بلعباس

أستاذ مشارك


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How to Cite

Dr. Rafika Mustapha Sebbagh د. ر. م. ص. (2021). Renewable Energies as an Alternative to Petroleum Dependency A Case Study of the Emirati and Norwegian Experience. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 6(15).