The Role of Strategic Human Resources Management in Organizational Performance: Developing a Conceptual Framework


  • غدير أحمد الخوالدة | Ghadeer Ahmad Alkhawaldeh The World Islamic Science & Education University



Human Resource Management, Innovation, Environmental Performance, Organizational Performance.


The primary objective of this paper is to present a review of literature on theories and empirical studies on the relationship between strategic human resource management and organizational performance in industrial firms, and derive a framework for further research. The study uses the analytical descriptive approach. According to theoretical perspectives and empirical studies, this paper develops a research framework to guide further research on strategic human resource management and its role in organizational performance. The study concluded that the human resources management strategy has a major role in organizational performance in industrial companies through the performance of innovation and environmental performance as intermediate variables. The study reached many recommendations and proposals, the most important of which are: The need for paying more attention to human resources in industrial companies for achieving competitive advantage, and conducting a field study to verify the current study proposals and the model validity.






How to Cite

Ghadeer Ahmad Alkhawaldeh غ. أ. ا. |. (2021). The Role of Strategic Human Resources Management in Organizational Performance: Developing a Conceptual Framework. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 5(14).