Inflation Targeting Policy: An Econometric Study from Morocco from 1980 to 2018


  • جميلة وجدي | DJAMILA OUJDI Abou- Bekr Belkaid University- Tlemcen
  • نعيمة برودي | NAIMA BAROUDI Abou- Bekr Belkaid University- Tlemcen



Inflation, Inflation Targeting, Interest Rate, Exchange Rate, Co - Integration.


The Inflation targeting is one of the most important modern policies that have been successfully implemented in many countries. For this reason, this study aims to examine the possibility of applying the inflation targeting in Morocco. To achieve this objective, we use an econometric study depending on co - integration test analysis over the period from 1980 to 2018, using four variables, which are the gross national product, inflation rate, the interest rate and the exchange rate. The main result of this paper is the absence of the conditions for the success of the inflation targeting which means that it cannot be adopted in the Moroccan economy.




Author Biographies

جميلة وجدي | DJAMILA OUJDI, Abou- Bekr Belkaid University- Tlemcen

أستاذة محاضرة قسم "أ" 

دكتوراه في العلوم الاقتصادية

نعيمة برودي | NAIMA BAROUDI, Abou- Bekr Belkaid University- Tlemcen

طالبة دكتوراه

تخصص اقتصاد قياسي بنكي ومالي


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How to Cite

DJAMILA OUJDI ج. و. |, & NAIMA BAROUDI ن. ب. |. (2021). Inflation Targeting Policy: An Econometric Study from Morocco from 1980 to 2018. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 5(14).