The Effect of Using Cultivated Barley – Adopting Soilless Planting Technology – as Poultry Feed- on the Cost of Eggs A Case Study
Reduction of Egg Production. Soilless Agriculture TechnologyAbstract
Soilless agriculture is considered as one of the modern agricultural methods and known to many researchers and farmers as Hydroponic agriculture in which different plants are produced without soil, through the use of water and alternative soil environments such as Pet moss and Vermiculite and other environments to provide the necessary water for the plants, in addition to some other nutrients. Hydroponic agriculture has appeared as an answer to the problems of dry areas. Hydroponic agriculture depends on pipes-based agriculture. Cultivating barley adopting this new technology is considered an important factor that many researchers and scientists study to use as fodder for animals, especially poultry, and also to know how effective it is in increasing or reducing the cost of egg production.
This research aims at reducing the cost of producing eggs through the reduction of the cost of poultry fodder using cultivated barley adopting soilless agriculture instead of concentrated feed.
- To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher has assessed the cost of producing eggs using cultivated barley using soilless planting through three years 2016-2017-2018.
- The researcher also assessed the cost of producing an egg using concentrated fodder for the same period, and this was done in an agricultural laboratory in Syria (The Laboratory of Mohamad Jihad Habib).
- The researcher tested the inclination on the previous results and concluded the following:
There is an effect of using cultivated barley adopting hydroponic agriculture as a poultry fodder on the cost of egg production.
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المصادر والمراجع الأجنبية
Libia I. Trejo-Téllez and Fernando C. Gómez-Merino (2012). Nutrient Solutions for Hydroponic Systems, Hydroponics - A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological Researches, Dr. Toshiki Asao (Ed.), for-plant-biological-researches/nutrient-solutions-for-hydroponic-systems.
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Jemimah R,, Hydroponic Green Fodder Production, TANUVAS Experience, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University National Agricultural Development Programme (NADP).
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