Role of Human Resources Management Practices from Islamic Perspective in Promoting Organizational Trust: An Empirical Study on Jordan Islamic Bank
Human Resources, Human Resources From an Islamic perspective, Practices, Organizational Trust, Jordan Islamic BankAbstract
The study aimed to identify the role of human resource management practices from an Islamic perspective in promoting organizational trust. To achieve the study goals, a questionnaire consisting of 17 items on human resources management practices and organizational trust was constructed, distributed on 4 dimensions, and was applied to a sample of 108 employees in Jordan Islamic bank. The present study used the descriptive method. To verify the questionnaire’s validity, it was presented to a group of 4 arbitrators specialized in this field. Its reliability was verified by calculating the Cornbrash’s Alpha coefficient. The results revealed that there are statistically significant impacts in human resource management practices (recruitment and selection, incentives and rewards, and performance evaluation) in promoting organizational trust from an Islamic perspective.
The study recommended the prominence of implementing a fairer and honest evaluation system that requires real expectations from employees ’outputs; also, it suggested conducting a similar study dealing with other human resource management practices from an Islamic perspective that was not addressed in the current study and applied in other sectors.
القرآن الكريم
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