Learning Organization as Methods to Achieve the Performance: Case Study at Manofia University from the Viewpoint of Its Employees


  • أ. رانيه محمد محمود زياده Ms, Rania Mohamed Mahmoud Zeyada جامعة الملك خالد




The Learning Organization, The scale of the Learning organization, Outstanding Career Performance.


The study aimed to identify the availability of the dimensions of the Learning Organization at the University of Manofia from the viewpoint of its employees and the extent of interest in achieving outstanding functional performance. The sample of the study consisted of 349 individuals and adopted the descriptive censuses to describe the perceptions of the researchers about their organization as a Learning Organization. The study used a range of statistical methods, most notably Pearson correlation coefficient and ANOVA analysis. One of the results of the research: The dimensions of the Learning Organization got a weak degree in application, so the study recommended adopting the concept of the Learning Organization for its employees while empowering individuals towards a common vision and the establishment of knowledge and learning systems.

Author Biography

أ. رانيه محمد محمود زياده Ms, Rania Mohamed Mahmoud Zeyada, جامعة الملك خالد



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How to Cite

Ms, Rania Mohamed Mahmoud Zeyada أ. ر. م. م. ز. (2021). Learning Organization as Methods to Achieve the Performance: Case Study at Manofia University from the Viewpoint of Its Employees. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 6(15). https://doi.org/10.33977/1760-006-015-005