The Practice of Transformational Leadership in Maroccan Universities from the Employee’s Point of View: An Analytical Study


  • ميرفت ربحي الحسيني/ رويدي Mervat Ribhi Husseine/Rowaidi جامعة القدس المفتوحة
  • الحسين الرامي Lahoucine Errami جامعة ابن زهر



Transformational Leadership, Maroccan University


This study aimed at identifying the status of practice of Transformational Leadership in Maroccan Universities from the employee’s point of view. To achieve the goals of the study, the researchers used a Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), adding Empowerment as a fifth dimension, which was distributed to an available or convenience sample of 392 employees in the Maroccan universities.
The results revealed that the degree of practice of transformational leadership at Maroccan Universities from the sample point of view was high, with an average of 3.71. The results also showed that there were no significant differences at a≤ .05 in the study sample estimates of the practice of transformational leadership in the Maroccan Universities due to: sex, age, and work. The results also showed that there were significant differences at a≤ .05 in the study sample estimates of the practice of transformational leadership in the Maroccan Universities due to academic qualification, in favor of Bachelor, and years of experience, in favor of the categories with the highest experience.
According to the results, the study recommends enhancing university leaders' ownership for the characteristics of transformational leadership.

Author Biographies

ميرفت ربحي الحسيني/ رويدي Mervat Ribhi Husseine/Rowaidi, جامعة القدس المفتوحة

طالبة دكتوراه

الحسين الرامي Lahoucine Errami, جامعة ابن زهر

أستاذ دكتور


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How to Cite

Mervat Ribhi Husseine/Rowaidi م. ر. ا. ر., & Lahoucine Errami ا. ا. (2021). The Practice of Transformational Leadership in Maroccan Universities from the Employee’s Point of View: An Analytical Study. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 6(15).