The Impact of Investment in Human Capital on Economic Growth in Palestine: An Analytical Econometric Study During Period (1995 - 2018)


  • د. زكي عبد المعطي أبو زيادة Dr. Zaki A. M. Abu Zyeada جامعة الاستقلال
  • د. عبد الفتاح أحمد نصر الله Dr. Abdel Fattah A. Nasrallah وزارة الاقتصاد الوطني



Human Capital, Economic Growth, Palestine.


This study aims to measure the impact of investment in human capital on the economic growth in Palestine during the period 1995-2018 by applying an econometric model. After confirming the stationary of time series, the model for measurement was estimated by using ordinary least squares (OLS), and with the help of the standard economic analysis program (Eviews-9). The study concluded that there is significance level of human capital indicators on economic growth in Palestine during the Study period. In addition, the results of the study showed that there is a positive significance level for the average of enrollment in basic education and the average of enrollment in secondary education on the economic growth in Palestine during the study period. The results of the study proved that there is a positive significance level for the average of enrollment in higher education, and the proportion of government expenditure on education from GDP on economic growth in Palestine during the study period. The results also showed that there is a negative significance level for the average of literacy, and unemployment among graduates on economic growth in Palestine during the Study period. Based on the study findings, several recommendations were made. Those recommendations aimed to develop, qualify and invest in human capital in accordance with the requirements and needs of the Palestinian labor market.

Author Biographies

د. زكي عبد المعطي أبو زيادة Dr. Zaki A. M. Abu Zyeada, جامعة الاستقلال

أستاذ مساعد

د. عبد الفتاح أحمد نصر الله Dr. Abdel Fattah A. Nasrallah, وزارة الاقتصاد الوطني

استاذ مساعد


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How to Cite

Dr. Zaki A. M. Abu Zyeada د. ز. ع. ا. أ. ز., & Dr. Abdel Fattah A. Nasrallah د. ع. ا. أ. ن. ا. (2021). The Impact of Investment in Human Capital on Economic Growth in Palestine: An Analytical Econometric Study During Period (1995 - 2018). Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 6(15).