Practicing Grid Leadership and Its Relationship to Organizational Brilliance: An Applied Study on Gaza Municipality




Grid leadership, organizational brilliance, Gaza Municipality


This study aims to show the extent of superiors’ and subordinates’ practice of grid leadership behavior from workers’ point of view in the Gaza municipality. It also aims to study the correlation between the practice of grid leadership behavior for superiors and achieving organizational brilliance.
The study adopted the descriptive and analytical approach. It used the questionnaire as a tool to collect primary data, which included the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid-scale consisting of 18 statements, and another for the organizational brilliance of 9 statements (al-Shobki & Naser, 2016), which were developed according to the Palestinian environment. In addition to the demographic data included in the questionnaire, it was also subjected to arbitration for validation. Furthermore, the stability of the questionnaire was tested. The study population consisted of 600 employees in administrative and supervisory positions in Gaza Municipality, where a random sample was selected, including 234 individuals. A total of 196 questionnaires were retrieved with a recovery rate of 84%, while 7 questionnaires were excluded for their invalidity to analysis.
The study found that the practice of grid leadership in Gaza Municipality for both superiors and subordinates was too high and within the top quarter of the network leadership model, combining a concern for both work and individuals. However, the subordinates’ evaluation of themselves in practicing this leadership behavior was higher than the evaluation of subordinates to their superiors at work. It was also found that there was a statistically significant relationship between the two axes of network leadership interest in work and concern for individuals and organizational brilliance. It was found that interest in work is more related to achieving organizational brilliance than caring for individuals. Finally, the study found statistically significant differences in the average responses of the respondents due to the job title variable. Still, there were no statistically significant differences attributed to the scientific qualification variable, the scientific qualification.
The study recommended enhancing the leadership style directed towards individuals. It also emphasized the role of the municipality’s top management in promoting leadership styles in the two dimensions of concern, individuals and work, to enhance organizational brilliance in its various dimensions.

Author Biographies

محمد جميل أحمد الجعفر Mohammad Jamil Ahmad Aljaafar, جامعة حلب

طالب دكتوراه

سليمان سليم علي Suliman Saleem Ali, جامعة حلب

أستاذ دكتور


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How to Cite

Mohammad Jamil Ahmad Aljaafar م. ج. أ. ا., & Suliman Saleem Ali س. س. ع. (2021). Practicing Grid Leadership and Its Relationship to Organizational Brilliance: An Applied Study on Gaza Municipality. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 6(16).