Administration Process Re-engineering and Its Impact upon Improving the Administrative Performance for the Local Palestinian Communities: A Field Study on Local Communities in Tulkarm District


  • محمود حسن حجازي Mahmoud Hasan Hejazi Al-Quds Open University, Palestine
  • سلامة (محمد وليد) سلامة Salameh (Mohammad Walid) Salameh جامعة القدس المفتوحة



Process reengineering, restructuring, reengineering, the administrative performance, the local communities.


The study aimed to identify the extent of applying the requirements of the administrative processes re-engineering (the organizational structure, the organizational culture, the information technology, the leadership, the strategic planning, and the workers’ empowerment) and its impact upon the administrative performance for the local communities in the Tulkarm District. In addition, the study aimed to determine if there is a statistical relationship at α ≤ 0.05 between the means of levels of the respondents’ awareness of the impact of applying the requirements of the administrative processes re-engineering upon the administrative performance’s improvement for the local communities in Tulkarm. The study used the relational descriptive approach. The researchers have developed the study tool and distributed the study population that consisted of all workers (employees) in the local communities in the Tulkarm District, counting 900 employees. The sample was chosen according to the intentional, non-probability method and was 21.5% of the original society. The most vital findings of the study were the following: Firstly, there is a positive relational relationship at a ≤ 0.05 between applying the requirements of re-engineering the processes and improving the administrative performance for the local communities in the Tulkarm District. Secondly, there are no significant differences at a ≤ 0.05 for the impact of the processes of re-engineering in improving the administrative performance for the local communities in Tulkarm according to the demographic variables, which include the scientific qualification, years of experience, the position (the rank), and the local community’s classification. Finally, among the most vital findings is trying to increase awareness of the re-engineering processes and using it to improve the quality of performance in the local communities and the various public and private communities, and enhance the strategic thinking of the councils of the local communities so as to adopt the re-engineering system; working in full conviction of the necessity to apply it in the local communities.

Author Biographies

محمود حسن حجازي Mahmoud Hasan Hejazi, Al-Quds Open University, Palestine

أستاذ مساعد

سلامة (محمد وليد) سلامة Salameh (Mohammad Walid) Salameh, جامعة القدس المفتوحة

أستاذ مشارك


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How to Cite

Mahmoud Hasan Hejazi م. ح. ح., & Salameh (Mohammad Walid) Salameh س. (محمد و. س. (2021). Administration Process Re-engineering and Its Impact upon Improving the Administrative Performance for the Local Palestinian Communities: A Field Study on Local Communities in Tulkarm District. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 6(16).