The Impact of Implementing Good Governance Rules on Sustainable Development Indicators at Municipalities of the West Bank: Ramallah and


  • تمارا (محمد زهدي) زيتون حداد Tamara (Mohammad Zuhdi) Zietoun haddad بلدية البيرة
  • شاهر محمد عبيد Shaher Mohammad Obaid جامعة القدس المفتوحة



Good governance, sustainable development indicators, municipalities.


This study aimed to know the effect of applying the rules of good governance on the indicators of sustainable development in the West Bank municipalities, especially the Ramallah and al-Bireh governorate, as a model. The study results showed an impact of the model of dimensions of good governance in the municipalities of Ramallah and al-Bireh governorate on the level of economic, social, and environmental development. The researcher recommended the necessity of applying the rules of good governance in the municipalities of the West Bank to achieve sustainable development in all its forms.

Author Biographies

تمارا (محمد زهدي) زيتون حداد Tamara (Mohammad Zuhdi) Zietoun haddad, بلدية البيرة


شاهر محمد عبيد Shaher Mohammad Obaid, جامعة القدس المفتوحة

أستاذ مشارك


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How to Cite

Tamara (Mohammad Zuhdi) Zietoun haddad ت. (محمد ز. ز. ح., & Shaher Mohammad Obaid ش. م. ع. (2021). The Impact of Implementing Good Governance Rules on Sustainable Development Indicators at Municipalities of the West Bank: Ramallah and. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 6(16).