The impact of implementing transparency and accountability on the administrative performance of the employees of Tulkarm First Instance Court
Transparency, Accountability, Administrative performanceAbstract
This study aimed to identify the impact of implementing transparency and accountability on the administrative performance of the employees of Tulkarm First InstanceCourt. To achieve the goal of the study, the researchers adopted the descriptive correlative approach by designing a questionnaire and distributing it to a sample of (50) employees of the court. The questionnaires were compiled, coded and entered into Computer and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).
The study reached many results, the most important of which were showed that the degrees of implementing transparency and accountability in the Tulkarm First Instance Court were at a high degree, as well as the degree of administrative performance of the court’s employees, which was high, and showed a significant impact of the implementing of transparency and accountability on the administrative performance of the employees of Tulkarm First Instance Court. and the existence of a direct correlation so that the greater the degree of application of transparency and accountability, the positively reflected on the administrative performance, and also showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the impact of implementing transparency and accountability on the administrative performance of the employees of Tulkarm First Instance Court according to demographic variables (gender, age, educational qualification, years of experience, and occupational category).
Accordingly, the study recommended several recommendations including ensuring the implementing of the principles of good governance in all fields in all governmental as well as private institutions as means to combat corruption, and to ensure the achievement of justice in order to achieve sustainable development, with a clear and publicized strategic plan for all, and to develop a flexible and clear organizational structure to enhance transparency in the various institutions, we recommend the necessity of enhancing the clarity of the instructions, regulations, rules and laws regulating work in them and that they should be objective in order to be applied to everyone in a fair manner without any discrimination, and holding workshops for all employees, to familiarize them with the anti-corruption law and the forms of corruption contained in the law and the supporting systems, most notably the conflict of interest system, the gift system, the whistleblower and witness protection system, and financial disclosure statements.
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