The Implementation of Good Governance in the Moroccan Universities: An Analytical Study from the Employees’ Point of View


  • الحسين أحمد الرامي Lahoucine Ahmad Errami جامعة ابن زهر
  • ميرفت ربحي الحسيني/ رويدي Mervat Ribhi Husseine/Rowaidi جامعة ابن زهر



Good governance, Moroccan universities, employees


This study aimed to identify the application of good governance in the Moroccan universities from the employee’s point of view. The researchers adopted the descriptive and analytical methods. For the data collection, a questionaaire was designed including the five dimensions adopted by the World Bank to measure the governance of universities: context, mission, goals, management orientation, autonomy, accountability, and participation. The questionnaire was distributed to an available sample of 392 employees in the Moroccan universities. The results showed that the level of good governance in the Moroccan universities was high, with an average of 3.65, and the five dimensions of governance contribute strongly to the formation of the concept of good governance, with a standard ramifications exceeding 70%. The results also showed that there were statically significant differences in the study sample’s estimates of the the level of good governance attributed to gender variable in favor of females, while there were no differences attributed to age, academic qualification, years of experience, and work. According to the results, the study recommends including a system of governance within the University’s strategies, and expanding the scope of stakeholders’ participation.

Author Biographies

الحسين أحمد الرامي Lahoucine Ahmad Errami, جامعة ابن زهر

أستاذ دكتور

ميرفت ربحي الحسيني/ رويدي Mervat Ribhi Husseine/Rowaidi, جامعة ابن زهر

طالبة دكتوراه


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How to Cite

Lahoucine Ahmad Errami ا. أ. ا., & Mervat Ribhi Husseine/Rowaidi م. ر. ا. ر. (2021). The Implementation of Good Governance in the Moroccan Universities: An Analytical Study from the Employees’ Point of View. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 6(16).