The Impact of Financial Market Indicators on the Economic Growth: An applied study on the Palestine Stock Exchange


  • Khaled Hasan Zubdeh AlQuds Open University



Economic growth, GDP per capita, turnover rate, capitalization, trading rate


The study aimed to identify the relationship of the Palestinian financial market (Palestine Stock Exchange) to economic growth in Palestine, where opinions differed regarding the role that financial markets play in economic growth. The descriptive-analytical methodology was adopted to reach the study results, and where a standard model was developed to examine the impact of the independent variables on the dependent variable comprising economic growth, which was expressed as per capita GDP. On the other hand, the independent variables were used, namely capitalization, turnover rate, trading rate, the contribution of financial activities to the GDP, main index, and the number of listed companies, in order to find out their impact on economic growth through the application of the least-squares method (OLS) and the multiple linear regression equation for the years 2014-2021. The necessary tests were made on the Eviews program. The main result found is that there is a varying effect of the independent variables on economic growth in Palestine, where the variables of capitalization and the contribution of financial activities to the GDP had a positive impact on economic growth. In contrast, the variables of the rate of turnover, trading rate, and listed company have a negative impact on economic growth. The main index variable was excluded from the study as being statistically insignificant. Among the most important recommendations reached are as follows: increasing the effectiveness of trading and providing indirect financing for projects and companies, as well as the need to conduct awareness campaigns for community members about the importance of trading in the shares of listed companies in the Palestine Stock Exchange. Educating investors about the importance of trading in the shares of small and developing companies and not focusing on large companies only. Facilitating the conditions for listing companies in the Palestine Exchange, which leads to increased liquidity and attracts foreign companies and investors by giving them tax incentives to encourage them to invest in the Palestinian Stock Exchange.

Author Biography

Khaled Hasan Zubdeh, AlQuds Open University

Faculty of Administrative & Economic Siences.

Faculty Member

Financial Sciences and Banking   Associate Professor 


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How to Cite

Hasan Zubdeh, K. . (2022). The Impact of Financial Market Indicators on the Economic Growth: An applied study on the Palestine Stock Exchange. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 7(17).


