The Extent of Information and Communication Technology Employment and Its Impact on Work Efficiency in the Municipalities of Villages in the Southeast of Jerusalem and the City of Jericho
Information and communication technology, work efficiency, villages in southeast of JerusalemAbstract
This study aimed to determine the extent to which information and communication technology is employed and its impact on work efficiency in the municipalities of villages in the southeast of Jerusalem and the city of Jericho and to consider the independent variables of the study sample members, including gender, educational level, and place of work. The researchers used the descriptive correlative approach, and the study population consisted of four municipalities in the State of Palestine. The study sample consisted of 102 employees who made up 87% of the size of the community. The study used a questionnaire as a tool for collecting data related to the study problem, which included two aspects standing for the independent variable and the dependent variable in the study. The results showed a set of indicators related to the employment of information and communication technology and work efficiency. The most important of which is the presence of a strong direct correlation between the employment of information technology as an independent variable and work efficiency as a dependent variable in the municipalities of villages in the southeast of Jerusalem and the city of Jericho. The two researchers recommended the adoption of this study by the officials in the Palestinian municipalities as a reference that helps in figuring out the ways to take advantage of information and communication technology and use it wisely in work in a way that is compatible with the reality of the municipalities and the requirements of the times.
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