The Role of Self-Efficacy as a Mediator Variable Between Quality of Working Life and Organizational Reputation at the Islamic University


  • Soha Omar Al- Bashiti
  • Ayman Suleiman Abu Swaireh الجامعة الاسلامية
  • Abdallah Hassan Abu Sa’da



Organizational commitment, quality of working life, organizational reputation, The Islamic University


The study aimed to identify the role of self-efficacy as a mediator variable in the relationship between the quality of the working life and the organizational reputation at the Islamic University in Gaza City.  The study population consisted of 350 university employees.  The researchers used the descriptive-analytical approach and the comprehensive scanning method. A number of 334 questionnaires were retrieved and the response rate reached 95.4% of the sample study. The AMOS program was used for data analysis. The findings showed that the level of the quality of working life was moderately at a rate of 58.99%, the relative weight of the total self-efficacy axis was 39.05%, and the relative weight of the total organizational reputation was 53.42%. In addition, the study showed a very strong influence on the dimensions of the working life quality in organizational reputation at the Islamic University. In addition, a moderate degree of influence of the dimensions of the quality of working life on self-efficacy was found, and a moderate degree of self-efficacy influence on organizational reputation was found as well; this indicates the existence of a direct relationship between them. Moreover, the study showed that self-efficacy is a partial mediator between the dimensions of quality of working life and the organizational reputation from the perspective of university employees. Accordingly, the study recommended that the Islamic University should take care of its employees by enhancing the quality of working life dimensions by encouraging employees to be involved in decision-making broadly and providing occupational safety and health. In addition to opening up financial and administrative promotion and enhancing job stability.

Author Biographies

Soha Omar Al- Bashiti

طالبة دكتوراه

Ayman Suleiman Abu Swaireh, الجامعة الاسلامية

أيمن سليمان سلام ابو سويرح

دكتوارة في دارة الاعمال

الجامعة الاسلامية

استاذ مساعد في كلية العلوم الادارية والاقتصادية

Abdallah Hassan Abu Sa’da

طالب دكتوراة


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How to Cite

Al- Bashiti, S. O. ., Abu Swaireh, A. S. ., & Abu Sa’da, A. H. . (2022). The Role of Self-Efficacy as a Mediator Variable Between Quality of Working Life and Organizational Reputation at the Islamic University. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 7(17).


