The Quality of the Academic Program Standards and Their Role in the Development of Creative Thinking From The Point of View of MBA Students A Field Study on the Universities of Al-Azhar and the Islamic University in Gaza


  • Mansour Abdelqader Mansour جامعة الأقصى بغزة


Quality of the academic program standards, development of creative thinking


The research aimed to identify the quality of academic program standards and its role in the development of creative thinking from the point of view of the MBA students at al-Azhar and the Islamic Universities in Gaza. The descriptive analytical approach was used to explain the phenomenon in which the stratified random sample was used too. 232 students were enrolled during the period 2020-2021, the calculated sample amounted to 168 , while the recovered amounted to  141, with an efficiency rate 83.9%. The researcher designed a questionnaire to collect information from the field. The most important results of the research were that the average of the respondents' responses to the quality of the academic program of the MBA program was 64%. The average of their estimates for the development of creative thinking reached 69%, and there was also a statistically significant relationship between the quality of the program standards for the academic master of Business Administration and the development of creative thinking at al-Azhar and the Islamic Universities in Gaza. The most important recommendations of the research entailed the  necessity to take the advantage of experiences of international universities through the benchmark comparisons to contribute in achieving acceptable levels of academic quality of MBA students in the universities in question, and includes the MBA curriculum for scientific activities that stimulate creative thinking for students, and include an educational environment that motivates them.

Author Biography

Mansour Abdelqader Mansour, جامعة الأقصى بغزة

Assistant Professor \ Al-Aqsa University \ Palestine


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How to Cite

Mansour, M. A. (2022). The Quality of the Academic Program Standards and Their Role in the Development of Creative Thinking From The Point of View of MBA Students A Field Study on the Universities of Al-Azhar and the Islamic University in Gaza. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 7(18). Retrieved from