Effect of Acquiescent Silence On the Relationship Between Organizational Trust and Work Alienation A Field Study On Aleppo Public Banking Sector


  • Ayam Ibrhm Alabed وطني
  • Abdulkader Ahmad Dawalibi


organizational trust, Acquiescent Silence, work alienation


the study aimed at identifying the effect of Acquiescent Silence on the relationship between organizational trust and work alienation among employees at Aleppo public banks, and to identify the reality of Acquiescent Silence in those banks in an effort to improve the way of working in the banking sector by encouraging employees to share their opinions, ideas and suggestions to develop a mechanism Work and solving all the problems related to it. A survey was conducted of the opinions of 287 employees working in those banks through a questionnaire designed for this purpose. Data were collected, analyzed, and hypotheses tested, leading to the results that existence of a negative significant impact of organizational trust in work alienation, which means that the greater organizational trust in the organization lead to the lower feeling of job alienation by the employees, in addition to the presence of a negative significant effect of acquiescent silence in the organizational trust in its three dimensions (Trust in Colleagues- Trust in Supervisors- Organization Trust) This means that a high degree of trust in the organization leads to encouraging employees to talk about their ideas and suggestions, and there is a positive significant of acquiescent silence in the job alienation in its three dimensions (Powerlessness- Meaninglessness- Self-estrangement) and this indicates to The lower acquiescent silence leads to lower the employee's sense of alienation from work, One of the recommendations that came out of the research is to provide an appropriate organizational climate with high degree of trust in order to ensure the continuous development of employees’ skills, capabilities and abilities to achieve themselves at work, as well as encouraging them to present new creative ideas and competition among themselves to provide the best ideas that contribute to the development of the work mechanism in the organization.

Author Biographies

Ayam Ibrhm Alabed, وطني

PhD. Student\Economic University- Aleppo \ Syria

Abdulkader Ahmad Dawalibi

Assistant Professor \Economic University- Aleppo \ Syria


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How to Cite

Alabed, A. I., & Dawalibi, A. A. (2022). Effect of Acquiescent Silence On the Relationship Between Organizational Trust and Work Alienation A Field Study On Aleppo Public Banking Sector. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 7(18). Retrieved from https://journals.qou.edu/index.php/eqtsadia/article/view/4138