The Impact of Knowledge Regarding the Practices of Food and Beverage Employees in Serving Disability Guests Field Study Conducted on Four and Five-Stars Hotels in Amman-Jordan.


  • Raidah Ratib Abusamra Petra moon Travel and Tourism
  • Ma’moun Ahmad Habiballah


Knowledge, Practices, Disabled people, Accessible tourism


This study aimed to investigate the impact of knowledge from different sources on food and beverage employees’ commitment to good practices of dealing with disabled guests. To achieve this aim,  12 interviews were conducted with disabled people to develop the study’s questionnaire. The questionnaire was conveniently distributed to 340 food and beverage employees in four and five stars hotels in Amman. The study’s results confirmed the impact of food and beverage employees' knowledge of good practices in dealing with the disabled guest were obtained from training, work experience and ICT sources. However, no similar impact was found regarding education as a source of knowledge. Consequently, the study reached some recommendations, the most important required the Ministry of Education to enrich their curricula with materials about good practices to interact with disabled people. The study also recommended food and beverage employees to access various knowledge sources to enhance their knowledge about different types of disability and the good practices of interacting with each of these disabilities.

Author Biographies

Raidah Ratib Abusamra , Petra moon Travel and Tourism

Master student\ Al-Hussein Bin Talal University \Jordan

Ma’moun Ahmad Habiballah

Associate Professor\ Al-Hussein Bin Talal University \Jordan


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How to Cite

Abusamra , R. R., & Habiballah, M. A. (2022). The Impact of Knowledge Regarding the Practices of Food and Beverage Employees in Serving Disability Guests Field Study Conducted on Four and Five-Stars Hotels in Amman-Jordan. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 7(18). Retrieved from