Towards an Integrated Strategy for Developing External Tourism to Enhance the Competitive Advantage in the Tourism Sector in Palestine: An Analytical Study From the Point of View of Workers in the Relevant Sectors


  • Muhammad Ziad Suliman
  • Amjad Smeeh Al Qadi


Keywords: competitive advantage. The strategy. Tourism. Tourism Marketing.


This study aimed to identify the extent to which an integrated strategy is available, aiming to develop foreign tourism to enhance the competitive advantage in Palestine and the relationship of the proposed fields in the development of foreign tourism. An analytical study from the point of view of workers in the relevant sectors, applying to hotels, tourist restaurants, official and private institutions, and sectors working in the field of providing tourism servicesin Palestine to enhance competitive advantage at all levels to medium and varying degrees. The results related to the official level were the weakest, as recommendations came to fill the gaps by developing a comprehensive strategy that includes all sectors related to tourism completely, not only the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, and linking them to the global goals of sustainable development.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Ziad Suliman

Master Student / Al Quds Open University / Palestine

Amjad Smeeh Al Qadi

Assistant Professor \Al Quds Open University \Palestine


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How to Cite

Suliman, M. Z., & Al Qadi, A. S. (2022). Towards an Integrated Strategy for Developing External Tourism to Enhance the Competitive Advantage in the Tourism Sector in Palestine: An Analytical Study From the Point of View of Workers in the Relevant Sectors. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 7(18). Retrieved from