The Impact of the Application of Self-Management on Relieving Work Pressures


  • Yaser A.T. El shorafa iug
  • Ahmed zaky Awadalla


Self-management, work pressures, Coastal Municipalities Water Utility


This study aimed to identify the role of self-management in relieving work pressures in light of the Corona crisis among the employees of the Coastal Municipalities Water Utility in the Gaza Strip. The descriptive analytical method was used, and the questionnaire tool was used to collect data.The study sample numbered to 246 employees, and all the questionnaires were retrieved and were valid for statistical analysis, and they were analyzed on the SPSS program.The study came out with results, the most important of which is that the indicators to reduce work pressures in the Coastal Municipalities Water Utility in the Gaza Strip in light of the Corona crisis are available to a moderate degree. The results showed that the value of the correlation coefficient is equal to 0.749, which means that there is a positive direct relationship between self-management and relieving work pressures in light of the Corona crisis. The results also showed a statistically significant effect of self-management with its dimensions creativity and innovation among employees, and the participatory teamwork. The coefficient of determination reached 0.632, which means that 63.2% of the change in work pressure can be explained by the variables of creativity and innovation among employees and collective participatory work, while the two variables of decision-making and administrative organization did not have a statistically significant effect. In light of the results of the study, the study recommended the Coastal Municipalities Water Utility in the Gaza Strip to strengthen the practices and activities that contribute to the development of self-management among employees and to strengthen the necessary powers to perform their work freely. The study also recommends holding a periodic meeting with the administrative staff to urge them to put forward their creative ideas and opinions, which would result in renewal, development and innovation, and raising the level of administrative performance of the Utility’s employees. The study stressed the need for the Utility's management to take on the issue of self-management and alleviate work pressures, as this is an important issue.

Author Biographies

Yaser A.T. El shorafa, iug

Associated professor \Islamic University  \palestine

Ahmed zaky Awadalla

Master  student\ Islamic University \palestine


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How to Cite

El shorafa, Y. A., & Awadalla, A. zaky. (2022). The Impact of the Application of Self-Management on Relieving Work Pressures . Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 7(18). Retrieved from