The Availability of the Requirements for the Application of Total Quality Management in The Palestinian Pension Agency From the Point of View of its Employees


  • Muhammad Muhammad Amro جامعة القدس المفتوحة
  • Asma’ Mahmoud Al-Khatib هيئة التقاعد الفلسطينية


Quality, the quality management, Palestinian Pension Agency, continuous improvement


This study aims to determine the availability of the basic concepts of total quality management application in the Palestinian Pension Agency. The researchers use the descriptive correlative method and rely on a questionnaire to collect data. The study population includes all employees of the Palestinian Pension Agency in its three branches in the cities of Ramallah, Hebron and Gaza where the total number of the employees amounted to 130. A comprehensive survey was conducted for all of them, 130 questionnaires were distributed, and the number of the retrieved questionnaires reached 119. The questionnaires retrieval rate was 92%. The most important study conclusion outcome is that all comprehensive quality requirements are available at the Pension Agency and are at an average level. According to employees’ answers, and one of the most important recommendations is that senior management should adopt the idea and the philosophy of total quality, and to adopt it as an administrative approach in the management of the agency. Senior management should also provide all total quality requirements in the agency and to run the agency in accordance with total quality concept and philosophy.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Muhammad Amro, جامعة القدس المفتوحة

Assistant- professor/ AL- Quds Open University/ Palestine

Asma’ Mahmoud Al-Khatib, هيئة التقاعد الفلسطينية

Researcher/  Palestinian Pension Agency/ Palestine


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How to Cite

Amro, M. M., & Al-Khatib, A. M. (2022). The Availability of the Requirements for the Application of Total Quality Management in The Palestinian Pension Agency From the Point of View of its Employees . Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 7(18). Retrieved from