The Virtual Currency from an Islamic Perspective and its Impact on Sustainable Development


  • Yahya Ahmed Elshami E2-Zitouna University



Currency, virtual currency, exchange contract, sustainable development


The study aimed to identify the concept of money from an Islamic and economic perspective, and to explain the concept of virtual currency in terms of its origin, characteristics, and conditions for exchanging it for traditional currency from an Islamic perspective. The study as well aimed to identify its impact on the sustainable development of the state. By following the content analysis approach, the research concluded that there is a fundamental difference between characteristics of traditional currencies. Virtual currencies, despite this difference, can be tackled under the Islamic legal controls, and have economic effects on sustainable development because they may cause a depression in the legal currency, and its sudden fluctuation works to increase the gap between the groups of society. This leads to a threat to civil peace. The virtual currency is also liable to be lost in the devices in which it was stored in the event of an internet shutdown. The researcher recommends the need for state intervention to control the use of virtual currency, through awareness brochures that show its impact on economic development and sustainable development in society.

Author Biography

Yahya Ahmed Elshami, E2-Zitouna University

Phd. Student


المصادر والمراجع العربية

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How to Cite

Elshami, Y. A. (2023). The Virtual Currency from an Islamic Perspective and its Impact on Sustainable Development. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 8(19).