The Possibility of Applying the Zero-Budget in the Palestinian Ministries from the Point of View of the Employees of the Budget Preparation Departments


  • Younes Ibrahim Jaafar Al-Quds Open University



Public budget, zero budget, Palestinian ministries


The study aimed to identify the possibility of applying the zero-budget method in preparing the budgets of the Palestinian ministries because of its advantages and characteristics, in addition to identifying the requirements needed for zero budget application and the obstacles facing it. The study population consisted of employees working in the general budget department and employees of the general budget preparation departments in the ministries of the State of Palestine. The study community included 216 employees and the sample was limited to 84 participants. The method of the study is the descriptive method, and questionnaires were distributed randomly. The study found that the method of preparing the zero-budget could be applied to employees because of the availability of its preparation requirements. It achieves many advantages, including improving decisions, establishing effective cost control, developing planning and follow–up methods, and making resource allocation and determining expenditures. In addition to the possibility of preparing and implementing a zero-budget despite the obstacles. The study recommended the need to apply the zero-budget method in preparing the Palestinian general budget at ministries to ensure that the requirements are met and that difficulties in their implementation are overcome. Enactment of legislation and laws by official bodies using and applying the zero–budget methods are recommended, as making more effort to link costs and benefits in the budget items.

Author Biography

Younes Ibrahim Jaafar, Al-Quds Open University

Associate Professor


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معلومات عن الموازنة الصفرية على موقع». مؤرشف من الأصل في 8 نوفمبر 2020.

وزارة المالية، الصفحة الالكترونية، دار المعرفة، مصر



How to Cite

Jaafar, Y. I. (2023). The Possibility of Applying the Zero-Budget in the Palestinian Ministries from the Point of View of the Employees of the Budget Preparation Departments. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 8(19).