The Role of Tax Governance as a Mediating Variable Between Information Systems and the Reduction of Tax Evasion at the Income Tax Department in the West Bank - From the Viewpoint of its Employees.


  • Mohammed Atef Midani Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
  • Shaher Mohammed Obaid


Tax governance, information systems, tax evasion


Objectives: The study aimed to know the role of tax governance as an intermediary variable between information systems and reducing tax evasion in income tax departments in the West Bank from the point of view of their employees.

Methodology: The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach, and the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data. The study population represents all of its employees, numbering (200). The sample was selected by a simple random method and amounted to (132) respondents from its employees. Questionnaires were collected and entered into the computer, and the sample size was chosen according to Stephen’s equation. Thompson and then the data were analyzed using Smart - PLS statistical analysis software.

Results: The study reached several results, including: The degree of application of governance dimensions in income tax departments in the West Bank was average based on the answers of its employees, and the axis of the presence of advanced computerized information systems in them was average, while the axis of tax evasion was moderate, and it was shown that there is a role for the dimensions Tax governance and its use of computerized information systems to reduce the phenomenon of tax evasion in income tax departments in the West Bank.

Conclusion: It is necessary to implement the dimensions of tax governance in an integrated manner in all income tax departments in the West Bank, through the use of computerized information systems to meet their needs and the work of income tax taxpayers to reduce the phenomenon of tax evasion, which affects the revenues of the State of Palestine.

Author Biographies

Mohammed Atef Midani, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

PhD student

Shaher Mohammed Obaid



قائمة المصادر والمراجع

أولا: المصادر والمراجع العربية

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How to Cite

Midani, M. A., & Obaid , S. M. (2023). The Role of Tax Governance as a Mediating Variable Between Information Systems and the Reduction of Tax Evasion at the Income Tax Department in the West Bank - From the Viewpoint of its Employees. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 8(20). Retrieved from