The Role of Economic Cooperation in Achieving the Competitiveness of Arab Countries


  • Belal Mohammad Almasri Al-Quds Open University
  • Sami ben Mohammad Alsadeq Aouadi


Economic cooperation, competitiveness, international trade, competitive advantage, economy of Arab countries, international cooperation


Competitiveness in the economic field holds significant importance for economic decision-makers. Arab governments have formulated strategies and implemented reforms to bolster their economies, enhance competitiveness, and stay abreast of the challenges posed by globalization, including the extensive movement of goods and services, mobile capital, and modern technology.

This study aims to illuminate the role of international cooperation in cultivating the competitive advantage of Arab economies. This is accomplished through a comparative analysis of the actual performance of a select group of competitive countries. The study also aims to diagnose the difficulties and challenges presented, particularly in the context of the rapid transformations within the digital economy, which are rooted in knowledge and innovation.

To attain this objective, a set of quantitative and descriptive economic indicators was employed and categorized into four axes. The first axis addresses the concepts of international cooperation and the foremost theories of international trade, which serve as pivotal elements for economic advancement and sustainable growth. The second axis delves into international competitiveness, both in the present and future, along with the corresponding metrics for assessment. This axis also seeks to glean insights from international experiences that Arab countries can leverage.

Regarding the third axis, the study focuses on the current state of the macroeconomy in Arab countries and their economic competitiveness.

Author Biographies

Belal Mohammad Almasri, Al-Quds Open University


Sami ben Mohammad Alsadeq Aouadi



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How to Cite

Almasri, B. M., & Aouadi, S. ben M. A. (2023). The Role of Economic Cooperation in Achieving the Competitiveness of Arab Countries. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 5(20). Retrieved from