Participative Leadership and Its Impact on Job Alienation in Palestinian Pharmaceutical Companies: Al-Quds Pharmaceuticals Company as a Model
Participative leadership, job alienation, Al-Quds Pharmaceuticals CompanyAbstract
Objectives: This study aimed to identify the role of participative leadership and its impact on job alienation in Palestinian pharmaceutical companies، using Al-Quds Pharmaceuticals Company as a model.
Methodology: The researcher prepared the study tool، which was a questionnaire. The study population consisted of 330 employees of Al-Quds Pharmaceuticals Company، while the study sample consisted of 178 employees. The researcher used a descriptive approach and tested the hypotheses using the statistical analysis software SPSS and structural equation modeling using Smart PLS.
Results: The study found several key results، including a significant role of participative leadership in job alienation among employees of Al-Quds Pharmaceuticals Company. The results indicated a significant relationship between participative leadership and job alienation in pharmaceutical companies.
Recommendations: The researcher made several recommendations، including the need for the company's management to implement the principle of involving employees in decision-making. It is also essential to empower employees by giving them full authority to enable them to perform their duties effectively and positively. The company should adopt a recruitment system that utilizes modern recruitment methods and internationally recognized tests، such as the "How to motivate" test، which is used to identify the types of incentives that influence employees.
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