Entrepreneurial Orientations and Motivations Among Male and Female Students in Palestinian Universities: A Comparative Field Study
Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial trends, attractive entrepreneurial motives, repulsive entrepreneurial motives, Palestinian universitiesAbstract
Objectives: This research paper sole objective is to identify the entrepreneurial attitudes and motives of male-students compared to female-students in the Palestinian higher educational institutions in terms of entrepreneurial attitudes, attractive and repulsive entrepreneurial motives.
Methodology: The study used a descriptive analytical approach of data. The researcher used a questionnaire as a main tool for collecting primary data. The study population consisted of 56,018 university students.
Results: The results of the statistical analysis showed consensus of male and female students in Palestinian universities on their entrepreneurial orientations in establishing or participating in the establishment of a new entrepreneurial project after graduation. While the results also confirmed significant differences between male and female students regarding the other axes of the study, namely: the preferred entrepreneurial work fields, the entrepreneurial motives (attractive and repulsive), the possibility of establishing an entrepreneurial project after graduation, and the time required to start the entrepreneurial project.
Recommendations: The researcher recommended decision makers to use appropriate policies to promote entrepreneurial culture and self-employment by making fundamental changes in the current educational curricula, teaching methods and educational tools in order to motivate and enhance entrepreneurial culture among university students in Palestine.
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