The Impact of E-Governance on Palestinian Insurance Companies’ Institutional Performance
E-Governance, institutional performance, Palestinian insurance companiesAbstract
Objectives: The study aims to understand the reality of e-governance in Palestinian insurance companies in the West Bank, identify the level of institutional performance in these companies, and to determine the nature of the relationship between e-governance and institutional performance in Palestinian insurance companies.
Methodology: The researcher employed the descriptive-analytical method to achieve the study's objectives. The data collected from the sample individuals were classified and then analyzed using appropriate statistical methods and techniques. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 304 employees working in Palestinian insurance companies, excluding those working in security and cleaning. The sample individuals were selected using a stratified random sampling method.
Results: The results showed that the reality of e-governance in Palestinian insurance companies in the West Bank was rated as satisfactory from the employees' perspective. Regarding institutional performance, it was also rated as satisfactory. The study also demonstrated that the model of e-governance dimensions in Palestinian insurance companies in the West Bank had an impact on the level of efficiency of internal operations, learning and growth, and customer satisfaction.
Conclusion: The researcher recommended enhancing the implementation of e-governance in Palestinian insurance companies to achieve institutional performance in all its dimensions.
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