The Reality of Implementing the «GLOBE Program» in the Sultanate of Oman from the Students and Teachers’ Point of View


  • حنان بنت خلفان الحديدية | Hanan Khlfan Al - Hadeede Ministry of Education
  • عبد الله بن خميس أمبوسعيدي | Abdullah Khamis Ambusaidi Sultan Qaboos University



The Globe Program, Application of the Program, Students, Teachers.


This current study sought to investigate the reality of applying GLOBE program in the Sultanate of Oman from the perspective of students and teachers. The sample consisted of 155 students from Muscat, al - Dakhiliyah, al - Dahra and South/ North al - Batinh Governorates, as well as 35 teachers from the same regions in Oman.
To achieve the study’s aim, two questionnaires were designed, one for the students and the other for the teachers. The reliability of the students› questionnaire was 0.74 whereas the reliability of teachers’ questionnaire was 0.98. Interviews were also conducted to interpret the results of the questionnaires.
The findings revealed that most of GLOBE program goals were achieved from the perspective of students and teachers. Accordingly, from their point of view, the program implementation procedures were appropriate for them. However, a number of difficulties were highlighted such as, inefficient implementation of the protocols, weak internet service and equipment damage. The study also showed that there were no statically significant differences at a=0.05 in the reality of applying the program from the students point of view due to gender. In addition, the study showed there were no statically significant differences at a=0.05 in the reality of applying the program from the teachers point of view due to gender.
Accordingly, the study recommended the need for integrating the GLOBE program within the science curriculum, in addition to the need for constant trainings for GLOBE teachers and students. It also proposed conducting studies to investigate the impact of the program on acquiring scientific investigation and knowledge skills among students.


Author Biographies

حنان بنت خلفان الحديدية | Hanan Khlfan Al - Hadeede, Ministry of Education

معلمة أحياء بوزارة التربية والتعليم وحاصلة على ماجستير مناهج وطرق تدري االعلوم

عبد الله بن خميس أمبوسعيدي | Abdullah Khamis Ambusaidi, Sultan Qaboos University

استاذ المناهج وطرق تدريس العلوم


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How to Cite

Hanan Khlfan Al - Hadeede ح. ب. خ. ا. |, & Abdullah Khamis Ambusaidi ع. ا. ب. خ. أ. |. (2020). The Reality of Implementing the «GLOBE Program» in the Sultanate of Oman from the Students and Teachers’ Point of View. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 11(31).

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