Self-organized learning strategies and their relation to the information processing skills among fourth graders in the distinguished schools


  • أسماء فوزي حسن التميمي | Asmaa Fawzi Al-Tameemi Ministry of Education



Self-organized learning strategies, the information processing skills distinguished schools


The current research aims at measure the self-organized learning strategies and information processing skills among fourth grade of the secondary school students in Al – Mutmayzin`s school in Baghdad / Karkh 2017-2018, and determine the quality of the relationship and its strength and direction among students. The importance of research is related to the importance of the variables used and the relationship between them the sample was 300 students (females and males). The self-organized learning strategies scale was built from (60) items. The researcher adopted a measure of information processing skills from (79) items. The result shows that the female students were better in self-organized learning strategies than the information processing skills, female students had better self-organized learning strategies than information processing skills, and the relationship between the two variables were a weak positive relationship.




Author Biography

أسماء فوزي حسن التميمي | Asmaa Fawzi Al-Tameemi, Ministry of Education

دكتوراه في طرائق تدريس الرياضيات

اللقب العلمي: مدرس


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How to Cite

Asmaa Fawzi Al-Tameemi أ. ف. ح. ا. |. (2020). Self-organized learning strategies and their relation to the information processing skills among fourth graders in the distinguished schools. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 11(31).

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