The Level of Cognitive Distortion Among Syrian Female Refugee’ Students in Irbid Governorate
Cognitive Distortions, Syrian Refugee Students, Jordan, Irbid Governorate.Abstract
The purpose of the study is to investigate the level of cognitive distortion among Syrian female refugee students in Irbid governorate. The study adopted a descriptive survey approach and was applied on a sample that consisted of 200 Syrian female refugee students in the secondary schools at Irbid governorate. The scale of cognitive distortion consisted of 30 items. The analysis of means, standard deviations, ANOVA and Scheffe showed that the level of cognitive distortion among Syrian female refugee students was on an average level. The findings showed that there were no significant statistical differences in the level of cognitive distortion among Syrian female refugee students attributed to the class variable. Furthermore, there were no statistically significant differences in the level of cognitive distortion among Syrian female refugee students attributed to the variable of achievement, except for both arbitrary conclusion and false comparisons.
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