The Relation Between Academic Motivation and the Attitudes Towards School Among a Sample of Primary School Students at Al - Ramtha Area in Jordan
Academic Motivation, Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Attitudes Towards School.Abstract
The present study aimed at exploring the relation between academic motivation and attitudes towards school for primary school students at al - Ramtha area in Jordan. The study sample consisted of 295 students (140 males and 155 females) at the 7th - 10th grades. They were selected randomly from two schools, one for male students and the other for female students. To achieve the study goals, a scale for measuring attitudes towards school was applied, and an academic motivation (intrinsic & extrinsic) scale was used. Results showed that intrinsic motivation significantly correlated with attitudes towards school, mostly attitudes towards subjects and activities (r = 0.54) , followed by attitudes towards teachers (r = 0.41) , attitudes towards classmates (r = 0.37) , and attitudes towards school environment (r = 0.24) . Moreover, it was found that extrinsic motivation significantly correlated with attitudes towards school, mostly attitudes towards classmates (r = 0.33) , followed by attitudes towards subjects and activities (r = 0.25) , attitudes towards school environment (r = 0.22) , and attitudes towards teachers (r = 0.21) . Moreover, the study showed no significant differences in both attitudes towards school and academic motivation attributed to gender and class level. Recommendations for counselors, teachers and parents were presented as well as suggestions for further research.
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