The Level of Self - Compassion and Its Relationship with Happiness Among Secondary Stage Students in Irbid Governorate from Their Viewpoint


  • آمنة حكمت خصاونة | Amna Hekmat Khasawneh Universty of Hail



Self - Compassion, Happiness.


This study aimed to reveal the self - compassion and its relationship with happiness among secondary stage students in Irbid Governorate from their viewpoint. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used the self - compassion scale, prepared by Neff (2003) , and translated by the researcher, and the happiness scale, prepared by Hills & Argyle (2002) , and translated to Arabic by Abu Dweib (2010) . The sample of the study consisted of 143 male and female students. The results of the study showed that the level of self - compassion and level of happiness were moderate degrees, and there were differences in the self - compassion depending on the gender variable, in favor of females. There were no differences in the level of happiness, depending on the gender variable. There were differences in the self - compassion and happiness depending on the academic achievement variable among those with high academic achievement on the one hand, and those with low and intermediate educational achievement in favor of those with high educational achievement. The results showed that there was correlative relationship between self - compassion and happiness among secondary school students.



Author Biography

آمنة حكمت خصاونة | Amna Hekmat Khasawneh, Universty of Hail

كلية التربية

استاذ مساعد


قائمة المراجع

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How to Cite

Amna Hekmat Khasawneh آ. ح. خ. |. (2020). The Level of Self - Compassion and Its Relationship with Happiness Among Secondary Stage Students in Irbid Governorate from Their Viewpoint. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 11(31).

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