The Reasons for Cheating in Exams from the Graduates’ Point of View in the Palestinian Universities in Tulkarm Governorate
Exam Cheating, Graduates, Tulkarem.Abstract
This study seeks to identify the reasons for cheating in exams from the graduates’ point of view in the Palestinian universities, in Tulkarem Governate. The study used the descriptive method with a sample of 369 graduates, 189 males and 180 females, during the month of December 2018. The researcher used the questionnaire as a tool to collect information related to the study. The findings showed that the reasons behind cheating in exams depend on the fields of study, as follows: Firstly, academic reasons, secondly, personal reasons, and finally, social reasons. The study found that there were significant differences at a ≤ 0.05 in relation to the abovementioned reasons behind cheating in the exam for graduates in the Palestinian universities according to the gender variable. In addition, the study revealed significant differences among graduates in the Palestinian universities’ attitudes towards the abovementioned reasons behind cheating in the exam according to the study field variable for the sake of the humanities and social sciences against the applied natural sciences.
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