The Relation Between Quality of Life and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Among Violated Women in Jordan


  • هدى جميل المقبل| Huda Jamil Al Meqbel Yarmouk University
  • حنان إبراهيم الشقران| Hanan Ibrahim Al Shogran Yarmouk University



Quality of Life, Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Violated Women.


This study aimed at identifying the relation between quality of life and symptoms Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among violated women and its relation to age, marital status, educational qualification, and work variables. To achieve the study objective, a sample consisting of 279 females received psychosocial support services in a number of official and non-official institutions in Jordan. The researcher designed two scalas: Quality of life and PTSD that were applied to the sample. The results showed that the level of quality of life and symptoms of PTSD in these women were moderate. As for the quality of life standard, the cognitive dimension came within a high level, while the psychological dimension, physical dimension, and social dimension came all within the moderate level. The results also showed that there was a negative correlation between the quality of life and the symptoms of PTSD. On the other hand, the results showed no statistically significant differences in the quality of life and the symptoms of PTSD due to age, marital status, qualification, and work variables.

Author Biographies

هدى جميل المقبل| Huda Jamil Al Meqbel, Yarmouk University

قسم علم النفس الارشادي والتربوي/الارشاد النفسي/ درجة الماجستير بتقدير ممتاز

لا اعمل حاليا 

حنان إبراهيم الشقران| Hanan Ibrahim Al Shogran, Yarmouk University

أستاذ مشارك/ جامعة اليرموك/ الأردن


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How to Cite

Huda Jamil Al Meqbel ه. ج. ا., & Hanan Ibrahim Al Shogran ح. إ. ا. (2021). The Relation Between Quality of Life and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Among Violated Women in Jordan. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(34).

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