Suggestibility and Its Relationship Towards the Attitude of Immigration Among University Senior Students


  • زهير عبد الحميد النواجحة| Zuhair Abdul Hamid El-Nawajiha



Suggestibility, Attitude Towards Immigration.


The current study aims to identify the level of suggestibility and attitude towards immigration, to explore the correlational relationship between them, and detect the differences between suggestibility and attitude towards immigration according to the variable of party loyalty. The study sample consists of 219 senior students from al-Aqsa University. The researcher uses the scale of suggestibility prepared by Kotov, Bellman, and Watson (2004) and the standardization of al-Shorbagi and al-Harbi (2016). The researcher also prepares a scale of attitude towards immigration. The results indicate an intermediate level of suggestibility and attitude towards immigration. Also, the results show a direct relationship between suggestibility and attitude towards immigration. The results show that that there were no differences between suggestibility and attitude towards immigration according to the variable of party loyalty.


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How to Cite

Zuhair Abdul Hamid El-Nawajiha ز. ع. ا. ا. (2021). Suggestibility and Its Relationship Towards the Attitude of Immigration Among University Senior Students. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(34).

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