Impact of Knowledge Management by Guidance Department in Effectiveness Role of Educational Counselor


  • سائد محمد ربايعة| Saed Mohammad Rabaia Al-Quds Open University, Palestine
  • إباء عبد الرحمن خريوش| Ibaa Abdulrahman Khraiwesh Al-Quds Open University, Palestine



Counseling, Knowledge, Educational counselor.


The study aimed at identifying the effect of Knowledge management by Guidance Department in role of educational counselor. The study followed the descriptive approach. The researchers developed a study tool that consists of two main sections: The first was to measure the degree of Knowledge management by Guidance Department, while the second was to measure the role of educational counselor. The researchers distributed (93) questioner to educational counselor in the schools in Jenin and Qabatiya districts. After the data were collected and analyzed, the results showed a positive correlation between the dimension of knowledge management and the dimension of the role of educational counselor. It also showed an effect of Knowledge management by Guidance Department in role of educational counselor with; Individual cases, school groups, School and local organizations.

Author Biographies

سائد محمد ربايعة| Saed Mohammad Rabaia, Al-Quds Open University, Palestine

أستاذ مشارك في كلية العلوم التربوية، ورئيس قسم تخصص المرحلة الاساسية الاولى

إباء عبد الرحمن خريوش| Ibaa Abdulrahman Khraiwesh, Al-Quds Open University, Palestine

التربية الخاصة


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How to Cite

Saed Mohammad Rabaia س. م. ر., & Ibaa Abdulrahman Khraiwesh إ. ع. ا. خ. (2021). Impact of Knowledge Management by Guidance Department in Effectiveness Role of Educational Counselor. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(34).

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