The Impact of Microteaching in Reducing the Anxiety of Educational Sciences Students at QOU Prior to School Training


  • رندة الشيخ نجدي| Dr. Randa Elsheikh Najdi Al-Quds Open University, Palestine
  • خضر عيسى الرجبي| Khader Issa Rajabi



Practical Education, Microteaching, Teaching, Anxiety.


The study aimed to identify the role of microteaching in reducing the students’ anxiety of the Educational Sciences Faculty at al-Quds Open University (QOU) prior to schools’ training. The study adopted the qualitative approach. The study population consisted of 65 students enrolled in a Practical Education (1) course from al-Quds Branch. The two study samples were 8 focus group students, and conducting individual interviews with 10 students. The study revealed the numbers of students' anxieties, where 87.5% of the study sample indicated that they have concerns about the cooperating schools’ environment.  Whereas 75% stated that they are anxious about their ability to communicate properly. On the other hand, 51.6% indicated that microteaching reduced their anxiety prior to field training. One peculiarity of the results revealed that 75% of al-Quds branch students fear the geographical location of the cooperating schools due to the movement difficulty caused by the separation wall.

Author Biography

رندة الشيخ نجدي| Dr. Randa Elsheikh Najdi, Al-Quds Open University, Palestine

أستاذ مساعد


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How to Cite

Dr. Randa Elsheikh Najdi ر. ا. ن., & Khader Issa Rajabi خ. ع. ا. (2021). The Impact of Microteaching in Reducing the Anxiety of Educational Sciences Students at QOU Prior to School Training. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(34).

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