The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy in Reducing the Depression Among Patients Attending the Clinic of the Psychological Counseling at the Islamic University


  • أنور عبد العزيز العبادسة| Anwar Abdelaziz Alabadsa الجامعة الاسلامية _ غزة _ فلسطين



Effectiveness, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression.


The study aimed to demonstrate the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in reducing depression among the outdoor patients at the Psychological Counseling clinic at the Islamic University. The number of the sample included 23 individuals with depression disorder. The sample was distributed into two groups: The experimental group which included 11 members and the control group comprising 12 members. The researcher used the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression to measure the severity of symptoms of depression. The results of the current study showed that there were statistically significant differences between the experimental and the control groups in the post-application in the depression rate for the benefit of the experimental group. Moreover, there were statistically significant differences in depression between the multiple measurements (pre, post, and successive) with the experimental group in favor of the follow measurement. The results also found that the isolation of demographic variables had no effect on the effectiveness of the program.

Author Biography

أنور عبد العزيز العبادسة| Anwar Abdelaziz Alabadsa, الجامعة الاسلامية _ غزة _ فلسطين

أستاذ مشارك 

قسم علم النفس 

نائب عميد كلية التربية في الجامعة الاسلامية 


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How to Cite

Anwar Abdelaziz Alabadsa أ. ع. ا. ا. (2021). The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy in Reducing the Depression Among Patients Attending the Clinic of the Psychological Counseling at the Islamic University. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(34).

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